Genesis 1-11 (Scientific Creationism) - Fall 2021
Teaching Videos
- Genesis 1-11 Introduction Video - Dee Dee Junker (week 1)
- Genesis 1:-19 Video - Phyllis Bond (week 2)
- Genesis 1:20-2:3 Video - Kathy Richardson (week 3)
- Genesis 2:4-25 Video - Karen Shive (week 4)
- Genesis 3 Video - Jenny Moeller (week 5)
- Genesis 6-7 Video - Jim Winebrener (week 7)
- Genesis 8-9 Video - Pam Foor (week 8)
- Genesis 10-11 Video - Steve Andrews (week 9)
To view and/or print a specific home study guide, click on the Home Study Guides tab.