Going Electronic
Most of you know we have a web site where you can get homework and watch videos of the teaching. Well the web site is now your one stop place to find just about anything. Go to www.InsightsBibleStudy.org and on the first page you will see a little change. Where we list of the four locations that Insights currently meet, you will see three additional links next to the Troy PM line. There are links to our facebook page, online sign up for volunteering to greet or do coffee, and a blog where each week’s announcements like this will also be posted! So check it out and look at all the great things that are available. I will also be demonstrating it as you come in for large group tonight, so don’t be late.
Volunteer Opportunities
We had a great response of people signing up last week and the clip board only made half way around the room! I’ve moved the signup online. Tonight I will be passing around my ipad for anyone who wants to sign up or stop by the check in table on your way out and if I can get my laptop working you can sign up there also! Find a link to the sign up on our website next to the Troy PM line on the first page.
Most of you know we have a web site where you can get homework and watch videos of the teaching. Well the web site is now your one stop place to find just about anything. Go to www.InsightsBibleStudy.org and on the first page you will see a little change. Where we list of the four locations that Insights currently meet, you will see three additional links next to the Troy PM line. There are links to our facebook page, online sign up for volunteering to greet or do coffee, and a blog where each week’s announcements like this will also be posted! So check it out and look at all the great things that are available. I will also be demonstrating it as you come in for large group tonight, so don’t be late.
Volunteer Opportunities
We had a great response of people signing up last week and the clip board only made half way around the room! I’ve moved the signup online. Tonight I will be passing around my ipad for anyone who wants to sign up or stop by the check in table on your way out and if I can get my laptop working you can sign up there also! Find a link to the sign up on our website next to the Troy PM line on the first page.