Don’t forget to pick up your next set of homework if you haven’t already. They are available outside room 214.
If you missed the announcement last time about giving to Insights, check out the blog and pick up an envelope in room 212.
In two week on March 11 we will spend the full 2 hours in our small groups. Some groups chose to meet offsite for this so make plans now and make sure everyone knows what you are going to do.
Don’t forget to pick up your next set of homework if you haven’t already. They are available outside room 214.
If you missed the announcement last time about giving to Insights, check out the blog and pick up an envelope in room 212.
In two week on March 11 we will spend the full 2 hours in our small groups. Some groups chose to meet offsite for this so make plans now and make sure everyone knows what you are going to do.